Wednesday, September 27, 2006

the crib

month 1 of my 8 month journey into nannyhood is ending and all thumbs are up... having a great/productive time, enjoying the solitude, the child time, nature and my friends very much. thought you all might want to see a bit of my surroundings.

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

forty acres and a mule

so time for the annual half naked birthday shots... to keep me in physical check via scrutiny. i feel ok about it this year, surely better than last. i have been doing push up and sit-up sets, since my twenties, that match my age. the reasoning was that it would be benificial the older i got.. so now im on 40's and i need it:)

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

good and bad

me a vic had a interesting set on conversations the other evening, focused on the baby of course:) "what do babies dream about" if they have no history what is the material? thoughts of being in the womb? past lives? if so then on to the next topic. we were discussing crying, "a quiet baby is a good baby" and "bad babies cry", or so we all are accustom to think and respond to.... it is in our energy and mannerisms, we dont want the baby to cry, we think we can fix it.....but babies cry, why? b/c they are hungry? are they experiencing emotional pain? if it were physical we would surely know that. how does it come on that fast? are they exercising their lungs, their voice? letting off steam? or maybe they are crying for past thoughts and shattered collective dreams? maybe we all should be crying more...

Sunday, September 17, 2006

texas time

so me and tex have been having our alone time on friday afternoons, hiking in the foothills.. he is quite the mountain dog now:) last trip i carried a 30lb. pack trying to see how the weight would affect me and the wheels. if all goes well, in the next few weeks of pushing ourselves a little more each time, we might take a 4-5 day hike in oct and cover the 80miles of the appalacian trail that cuts through NW georgia. if and at such time, tex will have a pack himself so he can carry his 10lbs. of food etc....

Sunday, September 10, 2006


sorry but i couldnt help notice the resemblence:) more pics from the hike yesterday and a glimpse of my fasination for all the mushrooms in the area. the one that looks like a head of a "cack" i could not identify online, but the groovy looking pink one is called the "sickner" obviously b/c it makes one sick. i did a lot of research on mushrooms last night, and will have to get a feild guide soon and go hunting... many varieties cannot be mixed with alcohol but otherwise are very edible...hmm. stay tuned for more mushroom lessons.

Saturday, September 09, 2006

hike hike

football season has started and i havent seen a game.. i need to watch more ball this year to hone up on my evaluation skills incase t-bone gets the nod this year... but instead i did a 7 mile hike on the panther creek trail in the appalacian foothills north of hear, and enjoyed myself every bit as much:)

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

in with the old

throwing in someone on the other side of the spectrum... my grandmother on my dad's side, elsie payne, turned 95 on the weekend i rolled thru oklahoma as i journied up to georgia. i got to spend it with her at a surprise party in okemah, ok...great to see all the family that not even half way there;) i either need to slow down or speed up??

Tuesday, September 05, 2006


back on the blog after a crazy 4 part move to georgia.. got here last wednesday and settled in over the weekend. art supplies are on the way, payne had his first day as a manny and things feel good...always the optimist;) the little guy is a fun one... here is his philosopher face.... like his daddies.