ok... so i wrote an entry long ago after seeing al gore on the dialy show pushing "an inconvenient truth" and i was not impressed by his fear tactics (too much like what everyone does) the blog got many responses in support of the movie. well i finally got to see the film and yes, it was well done and very informative. some fear tactics thrown in there but they seemed to be justified, minus implying that people would die in a florida flood. there is a book i am re-reading, "matter becoming spirit" a groovy old cat who started his own city in arizona in the late seventies. its still there and he still alive, an "arcology" as he calls it, and environmental city/experiment of sort called arcosanti. (www.arcosanti.org) any way i wanted to share a quote from his book he wrote around the bicentennial, i found to be right on. (or "spot on" for all you trendies out there)
Reared as much as it was on self righteousness, bent as much as it was on territorialism and on ownership often asserted above and against human rights and life, making a glorious saga of the indian genocide, and a minor blemish of sanctioned and un-sanctioned slavery, the American civilization has also made a point of pride to rape its own continent (adding ever-new dimensions to is destruction). We will not know what to do with ourselves, let alone celebrate a bicentennial, if we do not face the massive power for squalor we are exercising. We have made progress in our concern, if not in our practice, for those things that demand social equity; but we do not find interest in the problem of coherence between us and the geophysico-biological reality whose spherical envelope we are part and parcel of. This state of congruence is a pervasive necessity, embracing and containing the problem of equity itself. Equity is not possible outside the larger container of congruence. Congruence is really a condition of equity that has brought into its frame all the components that are usually ingnored in the orthodoxy of social equity.
-Paolo Soleri-