ok somewhat of an unrelated picture, but it is the best i could do....
so one more entry on this book im reading " the Omnivores Delimma" which is a good read for all of who "eat". the people/farmers ( i call them the modern slaves) who work for peanuts making this number 2 corn that our food industry basically exists b/c of, are having to protect their babies from what they call "blue baby syndrome". this is when the local water becomes so toxic from the fertilizers they are using for the monoculture corn, that the town goes on alert.....water for fuck sakes:( "the city of des moines puts out "blue baby alerts" in the springs b/c of high nitrogen levels in the water supply. the nitrates in the water convert to nitrite, which bind the hemoglobin, compromising the bloods ability to carry oxygen to the brain.." when are we going to get it... we are what we eat and all that goes into it. "your going to turn into an orange" my mom use to tell me, as i drank up the weeks supply of orange juice. in this case we will all become some from of hybrid corn, or better yet the fertilizers and petroleum used to produce it, which is good because we are in a shortage, dont you know...and by the way, our solution for that shortage is..... grow more corn???