that said, in the past 2 years it has taken on a new meaning to me, and last night i was quite moved... thinking about Jeremy, my nephew, a marine who died 2 years ago today in Iraq, fighting for his country. Al Jareau was singing last night, a cat who can "scat", a cat who was a big influence on me musically through highschool, a cat im not sure jeremy ever heard sing. as a teenageer AJ pushed me to see the possibilities, he took me past rock and roll and opened me up to the creative options in life and music. how lucky am i, to have the opportunity at 43 to see this man up close and remember my youth?? and at the same time, it is so hard to think of Jeremy and how he sacraficed a life full of those chances.
today i vow not to take my time on this earth lightly and i thank Jeremy for giving me that PUSH again and always on the 4th of July. here's to Jeremy Allbaugh, my hero in life, i love you brother.