Sunday, February 14, 2010

white atlanta

spent the week in atlanta for my crosscheck meeting for the draft. my first "stack" as they call it... i have running backs and each cross checker (the area scouts and regional scouts) has a position to cross check. we meet with the GM and HC to stack the draft board. a whole week...lots of work but had good fun hanging with the boys. Thomas has put together a groovy set of guys.

WE were given a gift on the last day, a beautiful white blanket of snow. 4 inches isn't seen much in atlanta, it was sweet.

Saturday, February 06, 2010

poets ledge

not much a view hike today, too many trees. i did a 3 miles incline hike to a spot called poets ledge, near palenville, ny.... a secluded rock cluster in the middle of the trees. there were a lot of ice formations along the way, and slippery trails but i was good heat building for 17 degrees:)

behind the screen.

i used to paint a lot on screens...these pics, out my front windows, have a lot of the same effect, and color blocking as my first screen.... or maybe not:)

calm but wild

these dudes are big, curious, playful and powerful beasts. would love to have one of these guys... the space to let them run, play, and be horses.