hey babe. i like the blog. topic for consideration?
the jihad in america right now. the way right, the christian conservative movement is no different really than the al queda. the only difference is al queda will kill americans, the christian conservatives are killing america. they are picking away at our beloved constitution. they are trying to regulate based on faith, which as i understand it is exactly what al queda does. once our constitution is taken, we will fall. what a pathetic empire we are, to have lasted only 300 years. long live the romans.
there i am with your ex-crush:)
I agree with bhd about regulation based on faith.
An April 10, 2006 article in Los Angeles Times that can be found at http://www.latimes.com/news/printedition/la-na-christians10apr10,0,6596503.story?coll=la-home
discussed an organization called Christian Legal Society that seeks to exempt religious groups from policies protecting people from discrimination based on sexual orientation. They're bringing lawsuits into federal courts to do it. And, with Pat Robertson calling for the assassination of the president of Venezuela and George Bush claiming he is mainlining the voice of God as a way to justify his invasion of Afghanistan and Iraq, we maybe should be concerned about our country becoming a THEOCRACY.
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