Depak Chopra.... i finally finshed " the way of the wizard" which i truly loved (suprised yes)... it had 20 lessons and you were encouraged to take in one a week. the part i liked the best i reflected upon in a comment to a blog post... she starts like this...
"So, in MY reality there is no past, no future, only the present, and my fucking god, it is a beautiful present. I see the stars at night, and make love freely, life is the sweet mango nectar that can be licked off of ones fingers, or something." and i reply:
"past, present and future, they are all parts of your next thought, emotion or action... if we could learn how to live backwards by focusing our thoughts and actions on the future, exactly how you want it..... the past would be filled with a lot of wonderful stories that you wouldn't feel inclined to tell, because the present would be so glorious:)" that is all chopra induced:)...traveling lifes road in a different direction, backwards...instead of making decisions in the present by looking to the past.
this lovely gal got me interested in her blog by writing this entry.....
"The General Lee is parked next door, and everybody loves my floor, sometimes I think Iv'e got a door, but people slip through more and more, I fainted for the first time see, and wishing that I wasn't me, was put to bed quite properly, with icewater for my company. Waiting for the morning light, I dreamt that I was high in flight; soaring through the clouds above, and knowing that I'm still in love, with a boy I met some time ago, we'd amble through the Portland snow, now I see 'twas just a dream, and things aren't really what they seem, but life goes on quite lusciously, and now I'm in another tree, kissing someone else-crazy! - and dancing to my favorite tune, and up above still shines the moon. Let it be let it be. Can't believe I'm finally ME."