just had a conversation about being frustrated at how much we as americans buy both in product and propaganda as in advertising schemes... sex sells, so lets make our people sexually repressed so we can sell them any thing with a pair of tits/abs behind it...john stewart was all over this tonight ce: the drug companies and all there silicone tempted drug reps... so i bought a new camera on-line, no hottie ads...i know im still a consumer:) but here's the deal, i sold my old one and a painting last week so i only had to pay 200 for everything in needed... bumped up to 8.3 megapixels and a 12x zoom, to groovy. here is the first raw pic, see if you notice the difference, i have not touched it with photoshop??
nope... that would be cool ut it would have been double the price at least... not sure i need the multiple lenses yet.... it is the lumix FZ-30
i don't mean to sound like a feminist. but.
if women want fuller lips, bigger breasts, fewer wrinkles, ("silicone reps") they are only responding to men. and media is only responding to demand. and men have been demanding thinner women, bigger boobs and, younger wives.
same as the chicken egg discussion... which came first... and dont think b/c you are a women your not affected (i know a secret:) but men are getting skinnier and skinnier and women are formatting their own demands, right?
the problem is men are thin where women want girth.
sad but true.
muchos love.
I’d be interested in knowing what demands you think men are running from today, smt.
I’m not sure whether women buy boobs because the Cosmo cover girl seduced them to or because they are subjugating themselves to some man’s perfect, silicone vision (fueled by media or evolution). Either reason reveals a lack of esteem, a “follower” mentality, and lack of a confident knowledge of our deeper essence. I suspect the sexiest thing is a woman in reasonable shape who can look at her own naked imperfection in the mirror, love what she sees, and move her body with assurance. And any man without a feeble mind agrees.
I think the only sane reason to get new tits is if you are a woman who just likes the look of a D sized rack independent of what anyone else thinks.
I disagree that men are demanding thinner and thinner women. I think most men want a woman that is in reasonably good shape, and vice versa. I’m willing to bet most men think collagen injected lips that look like painted pufferfish are stupid.
well put althea.
wonderfully put althea.... and as men, we too should be able to look in the mirror and love what we see, it getting more difficult, right.. especailly with the grossly apparent lack of focus on the meaning of love today
I think our culture has forgotten what reality is on almost every level. The silicone boob, skinny girl, hairless man thing is just a symptom. We don't know what love is anymore, what happiness is, what peace is. How can we know what beauty is?
amen to that... teach me please:)
Beauty is truth and truth beauty. Someone said that but I don't know who. We put out the facade that we think the world wants to see, we inject, we cut, we laser, we wax, we smile, we say what they want to hear -- whatever. We are hiding. Afraid of our truth - maybe we don't even know what our truth is anymore. Afraid that others will not find it beautiful.
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