for what??
to write a book.. to say nothing of worth.. to lay down or sell out to the corporate wheels like she has been doing forever, since her days of marketing the gay community for coors beer? i guess she learned from a pro? arent we all wanting equal rights here, but she markets a shitty beer, made by a company who use to be on the forefront of gay discrimination... to a group of society, based not on there spending/drinking/sporting habits but their sexual orientation... hmm. then she gets mad at any of the democrat that uses/d her sexuality to market their agendas?? it seems that terry gross, on "fresh air" (NPR) was trying to point out such hypocracies, but to have her on the show was just a mistake, a terrible interviewee for a terrible cause, a book that will surely say nothing just as she has. not to mention being involved with one of the most anti-gay administrations in recent history??? if anyone reads this book and im wrong and its a good read... please let me know, as we know i can surely have gotten this wrong:)
1 comment:
she is as big a piece of shit as her father. i can't hate the cheney family enough.
and for anyone from the government, looking on, my name is blake daniel, boulder, co.
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