that title has seemed to take on many meanings for me... first was the obvious, being in texas, it seemed an appropriate name for a show. then i had it called to my attention that being the only artist in the show, i was the lone star... well after the show dealing with the usual let down after such a build up, my mind felt a little "lonely" when this happens to me i have a tendency to think it is b/c i have done something wonderfully meaningful but have no one to go home and decompress it with... it is just abruptly over ( it happended to me big time after blaid aid) yesterday i spent the evening hanging out with the dog trying to see if i could find outher reasons for it?? still working on that, but feeling more level today. btw, the show was a great night with lots of people, friends and family. i showed 12 pieces and sold 6, my best turn over to date.
Congrats on such a successful show! Love the pieces you have posted, especially backgammon. You’re not alone with the “let down.” Lots of us singles go through it. No matter how many friends and loved ones you have surrounding you, nothing is like having that one special person to share your accomplishments with – it feels like a big part of the celebration is missing. Don’t know the solution. Except maybe there are walls/guards that need to be eliminated? Well, my issue anyway.
Clean shaven! Even more fetching :)
thanks... i wish i knew who you were but i appreciate the words and understanding of that feeling. fetching is a fun word:)
Who are the folks in the top pic?
that is john my boss and good friend, his wife amy and my pops...
But, smt, you have the choice to decompress with someone or sans. That is the difference. And I do get what you are saying - sometimes there is a need to digest things on your own. But what I'm talking about is the desire to have someone be just as giddy and proud of your accomplishments as you are, to rehash all the hightlights with. It's a climax. And aren't climaxes always more enjoyable when shared? :) The real puzzle is why don't we have someone? Consciously or not, and despite the desire to find love, many of us keep people at bay perpetuating the empty feeling. You are fortunate to have let someone in.
skorro is still hot.
You are a sage :)
I can't agree more with SMT. I've been with someone and without someone. And in the final analysis, no matter how great the "with someone" is, I am alone. No one can ever feel what you feel. Sometimes trying to share and realizing they aren't totally with you in your feelings is more alone than real aloneness. Only God knows you fully and what you fully feel. That's who can share it with you.
then maybe one should try and find god inside people or the person you are in love with and not outside. it might be helpful to do so before getting in too deep with said person, but i tend to find hope in the unity of two people.
a woman said this to me the other night.
"i am not willing to give up part of who i am as a whole person to be half of something else."
which i think is another way to say, agree to disagree. respect the other's viewpoint, even when it is not your own. i have yet to master the latter, but i try, sometimes with luck, sometimes not so much.
i struggle all the time with what is mine, what is ours and what is theirs, as long as i am true to mine, i can get to ours and theirs.
"to thine own self be true."
god bless shakespeare.
no mention of the office chair, eh?
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