have been a busy bee getting ready for this show... ill have about 10 new pieces, some way out there, some simple, all affordable:) no big news, got a bad taste in my mouth after the al gore interview on the daily show... fear is the word for all, bastards:( getting very weary listening to the extremes.. we as citizens need to wake up soon and tell these goverment fear mongers to "fuck off"... all they do is try to seperate us, the people, who actually live in a very diverse grey reality. going to hear an athens band (my soon to be, getaway) monday night, somaybe ill have some groove insight soon.
Congrats on the new works, my man. Make sure and share photos.
i have to say that the way we are depleting our resources, multiplying like rabbits, killing off species, and poisoning our environment, we need some urgency. It may sound extreme, but somebody has to deliver the wakeup call. The way we humans live our lives cannot go on for much longer. That's just plain mathematics.
I agree that too often the powers that be use fear to manipulate the public. But in the case of Al Gore, do the end and means meet up? No, this doesn't serve the cause of big business, the war industry, the rich, or a religious sect. This concerns ALL of us.
What Al Gore is addressing is uncomfortable for people to hear. He's taking a risk that he doesn't have to. He could be living off lecturing tours and consulting fees the rest of his life. I respect the $#%* out of him. Gore for President 2008.
the loss of a wonderful environment would truly sadden me and effect all of us, but the use of fear in my book is never the answer over earning the true lessons on love. we should be smarter than that...
I love the flyer for your show--very hot. And speaking of hot...here's my thoughts on global warming...I saw An Inconvenient Truth Friday evening. Look at it this way--if a one ton anvil were dropping from the sky and about to land on your head, wouldn't you appreciate someone telling you to get the fuck out of the way? I think Al Gore's message is one of self-preservation. It is not his fault that the truth is, in addition to inconvenient, a tad scary.
yes the truth can be scary....but here, in my opinion, is the truth... we ae not respecting the environment
and if we continue to do so it will remove us from the system...but the meltiing of the ice is not going to be the culprit... it will happen inch by inch year by year... now if we want to look at the tsunamis, hurricanes and be fearful, right on... but in his interview at least he was focusing on ice melt, and showing images of a flooded florida... thats crazy we will adapt to the water line easily, but will we ever remember how to respct the earth and its inhabitants??? that is scary to me.. or will we continue to get caught up in the bull shit scare tactics.. and as for gore as a candidate, im looking for someone who can think outside of the box... i know the "extreme" wins votes but im ready to get real.
More people will remember to respect the environment if the issue becomes part of the mainstream consciousness in a way that compels people to pay attention and take action to reduce their environmental footprint. That is what Gore is trying to accomplish with his documentary. Yes, the rising CO2 levels and temperatures, glacier retreat, and thinning of ice has been happening, as you say, year by year...for decades. But, as you also pointed out, eventually if we don't respect the environment, we will be removed from it...Is Gore resorting to scare tactics, or is he presenting a positive call to action? If people start doing the right thing, there shouldn't be anything to fear and his message ultimately is one of opportunity.
Very Astute Analogy! :)
I still believe hope lies with the proles:
If there was hope, it must lie in the proles, because only there in those swarming disregarded masses, 85 per cent of the population of Oceania, could the force to destroy the Party ever be generated. The Party could not be overthrown from within. Its enemies, if it had any enemies, had no way of coming together or even of identifying one another. Even if the legendary Brotherhood existed, as just possibly it might, it was inconceivable that its members could ever assemble in larger numbers than twos and threes. Rebellion meant a look in the eyes, an inflexion of the voice, at the most, an occasional whispered word. But the proles, if only they could somehow become conscious of their own strength, would have no need to conspire. They needed only to rise up and shake themselves like a horse shaking off flies. If they chose they could blow the Party to pieces tomorrow morning. Surely sooner or later it must occur to them to do it?
~ George Orwell (Winston Smith in 1984)
i hope im not being misunderstood, i do think something has to be done and i wish as you that the mainstream consciousness would change... to to compel people by fear is so typical.... the christian movement which has a lot of people paying attention with what they term as a positive call to action...we got roped into this war with a "positive call to action" .
im not unconfortable with waht he is asking the people to do or pay attention to i jsut dont believe the approach is going to reach across the line, and that is what we need to do isn't it? personally im tired of the extreme arguments, lets find the middle, the commonalities, the love.
this is a good discussion, and i truly respect the participants... so maybe i need to see the movie and see the stimulus of your emotions:)
once again, i love althea.
i just hope that al gore's truth (truth) doesn't inconvenience the party.
i mean, speaking as a democrat.
Fuck the environment hard. Whatever. There aint no global warming. Kittens are the end. Puppies of death. Mustache clippings. That's the real deal. And that's from a proud republican. And I mean proud. These colors don't run. Wait, which one is republican? Lettuce?
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