last weekend in las vegas my sister and her chorus from dallas, texas, the richtones, won the international sweet adelines competition and are the 2006 chorus champions... the coolest thing about this, other than most of the family was with her in vegas to capture and celebrate the occasion, is that my mother, also a international chorus champion circa 1984, won her medal with the scottsdale chapter also in vegas. i listened to the winning performance on webcast and was very moved and proud of my oldest sister, i know my mother was beside herself. jenifer has been singing with the sweet adelines for many many years and finally got a chance to win big this year after moving to tyler and joining the dallas (richardson) chapter...congrats big sis:)
Queens of Harmony is the title given to International championship quartets, not choruses. Choruses are refered to as merely, the 2006 International Champions. So sweet of you to show your pride in your sis!!
Love you,
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