very few of my blogs are just about me...so how about an update. i have been in GA for 4 months and it has been great/productive so far. i have learned so much about the experience of kids and how i relate and work with that. needless to say i have gotten close to this kid and this family. living with people again (its been a while) and learning their differences in structure and life, is a trip. i think i have gotten my first wave of loneliness, which was expected around this time of the year.. im out in the boonies and most of you know im a fairly social guy. i have chosen to lay real low over the holidays, and paint. i had agreed upon 2 pieces a month as my goal when i came out and i worked hard this weeked (sort of:) getting my 8th finished. i am starting a new one today which i think is my 40th, archival quality, piece. close to 30 of those paintings are living in great homes around the country (helps to have friends). not bad considering i really only got serious painting about 5 years ago in rochester... many thoughts about my future have wavered through my mind. i will be going back to tulsa in may to spend as long as it takes to get my house cleaned up and sold. after that im trying to make a very smart and hopefully final move.. rochester keeps coming into the picture with a good opportunity to get involved in a building progect and of course focus on my art. i love the landscape of rochester, the city and i have good friends there, it just so damn cold:) taos still has a big draw for me and recently i have started exploring pueblo, co and charleston, wv. any input on those 2 cities would be groovy, as they are new entries into the pool. any ways happy new year to you all, i miss you. here's to 2007 and thinking big.