very few of my blogs are just about me...so how about an update. i have been in GA for 4 months and it has been great/productive so far. i have learned so much about the experience of kids and how i relate and work with that. needless to say i have gotten close to this kid and this family. living with people again (its been a while) and learning their differences in structure and life, is a trip. i think i have gotten my first wave of loneliness, which was expected around this time of the year.. im out in the boonies and most of you know im a fairly social guy. i have chosen to lay real low over the holidays, and paint. i had agreed upon 2 pieces a month as my goal when i came out and i worked hard this weeked (sort of:) getting my 8th finished. i am starting a new one today which i think is my 40th, archival quality, piece. close to 30 of those paintings are living in great homes around the country (helps to have friends). not bad considering i really only got serious painting about 5 years ago in rochester... many thoughts about my future have wavered through my mind. i will be going back to tulsa in may to spend as long as it takes to get my house cleaned up and sold. after that im trying to make a very smart and hopefully final move.. rochester keeps coming into the picture with a good opportunity to get involved in a building progect and of course focus on my art. i love the landscape of rochester, the city and i have good friends there, it just so damn cold:) taos still has a big draw for me and recently i have started exploring pueblo, co and charleston, wv. any input on those 2 cities would be groovy, as they are new entries into the pool. any ways happy new year to you all, i miss you. here's to 2007 and thinking big.
Happy New Year dude. Sorry I mssed you in Athens. Family duties. Come back and we'll hang...
taos will bring about the same concerns you have had in previous cities, it is not cheap to live there, even if it is cheaper than other resort towns.
not sure about charleston, but, remember, jesco the last of the mountain cloggers was from wv. of course so is byrd, and he is a fine democrat, even if he is a thousand.
happy new year my friend.
ive got the research on housing prices down good for taos. 10 miles out... 90-140k, if you want to live close to taos ski village, angle fire, etc, condos start at 150K... so its doable. the problem is the lack of a city:)
ten miles out from the "city" is HUGE, trust me, when i first moved to colorado i lived in oak creek, about 10 miles at the furthest from steamboat and in the winter that drive sucked.
the condo in taos proper sounds like a better plan. you will have a nice down payment when you sell your house in tulsa.
i don't think taos is far from albuquerque is it? not that it is a great city but there is a population.
now taos proper property is outrageous to the tune of 200k+ for a 400sqft studio condo, a room with a head... abq is 70 miles and the snow in the valley is nowhere like that of steamboat, but no leisurely bike to the bar:(
yeah, that was brutal in steamboat/oak creek, found myself staying with friends anytime i went out in town, it helped that i worked on 75 acres with plenty of cabin space.
well, on a selfish level i would love nothing more than to see you come back west!!
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