i need a hero: do you remember that tune? i thought of it today on my walk, the hereo part. today me and "d" got the chance to watch a dvr'd iconoclast, a sundance channel show, a great episode of a great show with maya angelou and dave chappelle. maya angelou talks for a moment about heroes and how important they are to everyone, true heroes... the rest of the show is magic between her and dave:) " i need a hero", i began to think about this, not only in our government but in life in general. " i need a hero", my dad was always my hero thru my twenties, a professional football coach out there fighting the ego, the stereo types, working hard at what he loved. " i need a hero", looking forward i find myself with respect, admiration, and love for many people who have blessed my life, but no hero. " i need a hero", regarded by webster as a person who, in the opinion of others, has heroic (extraordinarily bold, altruistic, determined qualities) or is performing a heroic act and is regarded as a model or ideal...groovy by me and i need one of those, any ideas?;)