i need a hero: do you remember that tune? i thought of it today on my walk, the hereo part. today me and "d" got the chance to watch a dvr'd iconoclast, a sundance channel show, a great episode of a great show with maya angelou and dave chappelle. maya angelou talks for a moment about heroes and how important they are to everyone, true heroes... the rest of the show is magic between her and dave:) " i need a hero", i began to think about this, not only in our government but in life in general. " i need a hero", my dad was always my hero thru my twenties, a professional football coach out there fighting the ego, the stereo types, working hard at what he loved. " i need a hero", looking forward i find myself with respect, admiration, and love for many people who have blessed my life, but no hero. " i need a hero", regarded by webster as a person who, in the opinion of others, has heroic (extraordinarily bold, altruistic, determined qualities) or is performing a heroic act and is regarded as a model or ideal...groovy by me and i need one of those, any ideas?;)
im sure its just me, old, acute ideas etc...or maybe i just put too much emphasis on the "extraordinary word"?
i think you look for them to directly effect your life, rather than the life you lead because of them.
there are plenty of heros.
three days after mlk day, it shouldn't be hard to find (or remember) a hero.
having said that, nice work first, remembering bonnie tyler and then finding a photo.
you're my hero.
no doubt they are there and that i have "had" them, i did not mean to imply my life has not been affect by heroes in it. im looking for a current day hero, is there no such thing?
maybe your search should include heroines.
current day? nancy pelosi.
the first female speaker of the house.
Great site, I am bookmarking it!Keep it up!
With the best regards!
is that dapplewhite??
an on the the nancy pelosi tip... why so i can grow up and become the second??:) i have a hard time envisioning any politician as my hero really.
third. both the president and the vice-president have to be gone for the speaker to become president.
i do love the FDR he will always be my hero.
Thanks a lot for this place, where people can leave their ideas and opinions, it's great!With the best regards!
that's two thank you's for the site. i think it's the bonnie tyler photo.
i think its the same person b/c of the "best regards" exit. dont know who?? danger dave?? im glad your reading blake, wish you had a blog so i could peek in on you:)
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