last night i spent some time with memories of my nephew, jeremy, who died yesterday in iraq. im not sure how to process this death. im ok with death and dying but it so much sadder when it is someone young, someone who never had the time to live. he was a great kid who loved to laugh and tragically circumstances in this life lead him to the military and to war. i share in the guilt of this country for letting kids like him fight for our capatilistic freedoms. i know he is smiling at what he has found around this corner, jeremy is OK and in a great place. it is a big loss to our family, his life was cut very short but its the government/world/us that makes me sad.
peace to us all, jeremy i know you have found it.
Sad. I'm sorry. Truly.
Blake told me the sad news. I am so sorry for your loss. You and your family are in my thoughts.
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