why dont i look like this anymore??:) this is when i need it, right? or maybe not but it would sure be nice to have the few muscles i have left, uncovered like that... me and matty (matt pyburn, a friend of 20 years) are roomies again for the 5th time. a short stay this time, as he just moved into my pink house here in denton... its alot of fun hanging out with matt like the old days, im sure he'll be sick of my ass soon. the pic is when i lived in pensacola florida back in 95' you gotta love the locks on p-burt.
I remember those handsome dudes on the beach!! ; )
DAMN!! I wish I could have known you then... Wishing you the best of life, on your new journey.. Sorry I never got to see you before you left. Nursing school has got me jumping through hoops! Happy Birthday, my fellow Virgo friend. I covet the beatiful trees & waterfalls. How lucky you are to be surrounded by them daily... Dante, that's a cool name, I like it!!! Missing your energy! Bonni
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