its been a while since my last indie/documentary film review... this week i had the pleasure to watch two very thought provoking doucumentary films... the first "be here to love me" the story of townes van zandt.. and incredible singer song writer who like many of us was way out there, but couldnt seem to come down. he was kind and gentle, loved his whiskey and his music more than... man he could tell a story. you'll want to emerse yourself in your music or art after this inspirational piece... the next was " the mushroom club" http://www.farfilm.com/films/mushroom-club/ does anybody really know why we bombed hiroshima? i like how we have conveniently forgotten that:):( well we fucked those people up. this film shows the grace of the japanese people in moving forward... they knew that they were ultimately to blame for letting their goverment take them to that place. this film really does a good job showing the "impact" of this bomb, the people who were vaporized and the ones the left behind. is there any race we havent screwed?? watch this one, we all need to pay attention and remember how these things get to such a point!
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