it is groovy sometimes when your past comes back to greet you and in my case i have so many pasts, it happens often. this time was particularly special. in tulsa when i had my art gallery, mother tongue, i also bartended at the snooty fox. at the end of my stay there, before i moved to L.A. there was a group that started playing at the bar "eden" two young, talented and beautiful girls who were dong some newage/world music with a christian kick. well the later part, im sure, shut me down to it, but supposedly i still invited them over to my gallery and into the back space.... " the almighty ass":) well i was very lucky to have met back up with sharla pember, the younger sister, in tulsa a few weeks back and then get the opportunity to hear her play again this past week. watch out tulsa for this voice and talent, it is right on..... remember the pember!!
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